親愛的保戶 您好
1. 您可以攜帶更新後之居留證並填寫批改申請書洽本公司(或郵寄)全國各服務據點辦理變更資料。後續如有異動變更方式將再另行公告。
2. 辦理新式統一證號變更後,您與本公司所約定之保單條款內容不變,保單亦無須重新變更及換發。
3. 如有其他相關問題,歡迎致電本公司24小時客戶服務專線0800-053-588我們將竭誠為您服務,感謝您的配合與支持。
Reminder to Change New UI No. for Foreign Nationals
Dear Policyholder,
To establish a foreign national friendly environment, the Ministry of the Interior has launched a new project regarding the New UI No. for Foreign Nationals (hereinafter refers to “New UI No.”) on January 2nd, 2021, which changed the UI number for foreign nationals from the old “2 English letters + 8 digits” format to a new “1 English letter + 9 digits” format.
[For more information about the New UI No., please visit the National Immigration Agency, MOI website or call the service centers of the Immigration Agency, the MOI service hotline 1996 or the Foreigners in Taiwan Hotline (0800-024-111).]
If you have already applied for the New UI No. from MOI, please read the following reminders:
1. You can provide the new version of your Resident Certificate and fill out the Application for Amendment form at any of the service centers of the Company nationwide (or by post) to apply for the change of information. Should there be any change in the method of change, the Company will make a further announcement.
2. The change of New UI No. will not alter any terms and conditions of the policy agreed between you and the Company, thus the policy does not need to be changed or renewed.
3. If you have other relevant questions, please contact the Company’s 24-hr customer service hotline, 0800-053-588, and we will assist you. Thank your for your cooperation and support.