兆豐產物船舶保險-Institute Time Clauses - Hulls (1/10/83) but free of any claim in respect of particular average of damage to the vessel unless caused by fire, lighting, explosion, sinking, grounding, stranding or damage resulting from collision with any ship or vessel or contact with any floating objects(第1次部分變更)
保險商品名稱 兆豐產物船舶保險-Institute Time Clauses - Hulls (1/10/83) but free of any claim in respect of particular average of damage to the vessel unless caused by fire, lighting, explosion, sinking, grounding, stranding or damage resulting from collision with any ship or vessel or contact with any floating objects(第1次部分變更)
保險商品之文號及日期 96年08月20日兆產(96)備字第0775號函備查
契約條款、承保範圍及不保事項 0020.pdf
銷售予金融消費者之保險商品預定附加費用率 直接業務:24% 保險代理人、保險經紀人及保險業務員:24%
短期費率表 及 保費退費係數表
理賠申請文件及程序 理賠申請文件及程序.pdf